
The balance of a team is the amount of credits it has to send messages.

The value returned by this endpoint is a reflection of your balance as of the most recent campaign.

Transactions can have the following types:

Dailies - These transactions are what will be calculated after a campaign has been sent, this will be accompanied with a comment stating which campaign it is related to. This comment box may also be populated if a transaction is added manually by Digitonic staff member to correct a balance or prodide a credit or debit where appropriate.

Monthlies - These transactions are a result of an aggregation of the previous months total daily transactions and will be reflected as such. A comment will also be added stating what month the aggregation is related to along with a credit or debit with the balance number.

A statement of your transaction history can be found in your team settings. This area will show aggregations of the previous months balances in either a positive or negative state. The current months total transactions will be shown as a list.

Transaction Aggregations take place on the last day of every month


Get Balance

This endpoint will return your current balance, accurate to when the last campaign has been sent.


curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{token}}' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'


      "data": {
      "team_uuid": "fa100954-f4df-11e9-961b-0242ac120006",
      "team_name": "Digitonic",
      "balance": "538098"

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